Splitting and merging with Elastic Scale

Once you have set up your sharding solution with a fully configured Shard Map Manager, modified your data access layer to use Elastic Scale, added fault handling and running your stuff in production, there will be a time when you are in need to split, merge or move shardlets between shards. This is where the Elastic Scale Split Merge tool comes in place. The team has created a nice web application which will enable you to do this kind of management. Read more →

Handling transient exceptions with Elastic Scale

There are quite a lot of differences between having an on-premise data center and using the cloud. One of these differences is the (guaranteed) uptime and the latency between the different servers. When creating your local on-premise datacenter you will have a pretty stable network connection between the different servers and it’s probably really fast. The cloud can be pretty fast also, especially when you are located in the same datacenter/container. Read more →

Using Elastic Scale inside your application

Now that you have configured Elastic Scale for your solution there are still some changes to be made in your application. At the moment there are 2 sample applications available, one using plain old SQL-queries (ADO.NET) and another one using the Entity Framework. I would suggest checking out these samples before doing any serious Elastic Scale work. You will probably notice there are some small differences between the ADO.NET sample and the Entity Framework sample. Read more →

Creating your Shard Map Manager for Elastic Scale

When implementing a sharding solution, you will need something which knows in what shard a specific shardlet exists. This is something you will want to store in a single location, so you know for sure you are always using the most recent information. When using the Elastic Scale libraries this is called the Shard Map Manager. The Shard Map Manager keeps track of the location & state of the shardlets and shards. Read more →

Having your data available across the world with Elastic Scale

These days we all want to build the next big thing which will be deployed across the world. This of course is all fun and games, but there are also some technical difficulties you have to overcome when creating a software platform which has to be available from everywhere in the world with a responsive interface. One of these difficulties you will have to face is getting the required data near your customers. Read more →